W.A.L.T: Write a narrative.
Me,the only space chimp in space.
In 1961 the rocket ship was going to blast off from 3, 2, 1. My name is Connor and I’ve been told to be sent in space for 65 years. Now everything was silent and I’m old and wrinkly and so tired. My partner Jr gave me a picture of him and myself so I can remember the adventure we did together. Then I was still nervous because I might not survive in my rocket because my rocket is not strong and it's old and dusty. Then I heard a beeping sound and it was my rocket and I didn’t know what to do so I just left it alone.
I was still travelling in space and it was beautiful and it looked really pretty from above earth and the stars looked like sparkles and it shines really bright in my face. Then I saw earth and it was spinning really slow like the planet. While back in 1961 all of the chimps said that I was so precious like a diamond to them.
While I was in space there was still no air, but I could still breath because I’m still in my rocket.
There was a sunshine that lit up in my face and I am very cold but now I’m hot. I have survived in space lucky me. Then there was a yellow shiny juicy light shone in my face and I was shaking and terrified because I might not survive when I land then KaBang!! Terra firma.
Suddenly I landed on solid ground and that was earth and I got out of my pod and I saw nobody there and the place looks terrible and horrifying and so destroyed because there were some people that had some big weapons and started smashing and crushing the whole town and all of the other good people started moving overseas. Then I got sad because I think my partner Jr was here but the bad people came so they went to live overseas.
Then I heard someone talking to me like
“Hello anyone there?”
I said “Yes someone is here and it is me".
Then he said “What's your name?” Then I said
“ My name is Connor and I am a chimp” Then he got surprise.
Then he started talking again and he said
“Is that you Connor because I know you're a chimp and I had a chimp as my friend before”
Then I said
“ What's your name?” Then he said “Jr” then I said “It is you because I had a friend named Jr. And know we found each other.
The End