
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Social Studies: Greenpeace

 Hi there, 

Today in Social Studies, we started a new task called Greenpeace. We were required to do a mini-research on it as well as answering three questions on our blog. 

Who is Greenpeace?

Greenpeace is an international, self-sustaining organization that uses peaceful protest and productive ways of speaking out to reveal worldwide environmental problems. It develops solutions that are crucial to a green and peaceful future.   

What have they done to make positive changes?

With their continuous strive through centuries, they have assembled at advance awareness and spoken out about the environmental issues that are happening on Earth. Greenpeace has continued to protest against nuclear testing, also to toxic-waste dumping, whaling, and other environmental issues. As a result, Greenpeace became a powerful influence on global environmental protection.   

What are they doing now to help protect our oceans?

Greenpeace has helped to protect our oceans by getting together with scientists creating helpful ways of rescuing our oceans. They have started by constructing a global network of ocean "sanctuaries" that would be restricted to possible destructive production.  


Link  Link  Link


  1. Hello Anneleise
    You've done a great job on your blogpost. It has a lot of helpful information and you've included images which I think is very nice, it add colours and illustration, as well as a highlight on the questions. Maybe, next time, make your paragraph and sentences longer.

  2. Hi Anneliese,
    You have done an excellent blog post about Greenpeace regarding who they are and what they do. You have structured your paragraphs well and kept them informational. I like how you added images that relate to your topic, as it made your blog post more bright and lively. Overall, it is a great blog post; keep it up!


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or Ask a question you want to know more about