
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Beyond the Lines

Beyond the Lines

Once upon a time I was in bed with my brother for a bedtime story. My grandpa was telling a story about World War 1 and explained how lots of soldiers went to fight in the wars.

When my grandpa was telling us the story about World War 1 we went fast to sleep. While we were asleep my grandpa said quietly to my dad “ I bet they're going to dream about the war”, and my dad nodded saying yeah.  

 In my dream I was with my brother and we were in a ship with some soldiers. There was paper covering their faces, so we were scared.

The door of the ship opened and the soldiers were running so we ran too. When we were running my brother fell so I helped him up.

I looked up and saw soldiers dieing so I quickly ran as fast as a cheetah! I had my brother with me and we hid behind the metal poles.

After hiding behind the metal poles, my brother and I woke up and screamed, and my dad and grandpa herd us so we ran to them and gave them a big hug.

The End!

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Cloud

The cloud

One day I was a special and helpful cloud flying around in a city with tall and enormous buildings.

A lot of people were looking at me because I was the only cloud moving.

When lots of people were looking at me, I accidentally covered the traffic lights so they were glowing red, orange and green on me.

After I stopped glowing I went somewhere else so I squeezed through a gap and went in this tunnel then I dog started barking at me and gave me a fright.

I saw black and dusty smoke coming out of the sky, so I went there and poured some cold and freezing rain down, the fire fighters really appreciated it.

The End!