Persistent Pigeon's
One day in a busy street, there were some yellow cute pigeons sitting in their nest jumping around. They all got tired from jumping around and felt hungry. One pigeon saw a delicious pink strawberry icing cupcake outside someone’s window, so that pigeon told the other pigeons.
1 pigeon followed the other pigeon that spotted the cupcake then the other pigeon was looking around and thinking that they're going to get told off by their mother, But the pigeon just went and followed the others.
The pigeons tried jumping and grabbing the cupcake but it failed. The next idea that the pigeons going to use is standing on top of each other. They stood on to each other and walked towards the cupcake and they end up fall down and hurting there self.
Next they made there own seesaw so they can boost one pigeon up to the cupcake and two on the other side of the seesaw, but the pigeon crashed against the gutter and failed.
3 hours later...
The pigeon’s had no ideas left to get the cupcake, so they walked back to there nest and starved until there mother comes back with the food. There mother finally came back with the food and they were excited, the pigeon’s were excited when they saw there mother with some food but there was only one worm, so they were upset.
Hey Anneleise, this is a very insperiational story and a cool one. keep it up