
Friday, August 6, 2021

Social Studies: The Nuremberg Laws

Hi there,

Today with the subject mentioned in the title, we looked at the Nuremberg Laws and answered 5 questions relating to them. Nuremberg Laws are basically the official rules that the Nazis passed to protect the German blood and honour pure in 1935. My answers are the ones highlighted this time.

1. Provide two examples of ways in which the Nuremberg laws affected the rights of German Jews.
German court judges could not refer to legal commentaries or opinions written by Jewish authors and Jewish university students were not allowed to sit for doctoral exams.

2. What other actions were taken that discriminated against Jews in Germany? (Remembering) 
Like what was said in my other blog post about Hitler, the quotes are other actions that were discriminated against the Jews, for example, “The Jews hate the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so the Jews might dominate”. Another example was in December 1935, the Reich Propaganda Ministry issued a decree forbidding Jewish soldiers to be named among the dead in World War I memorials.

3. Why do you think that the Nazis passed these laws? (Understanding)
The Nazis passed these laws because they believed that the presence of Jews in Germany threatened the German people. They believed they had to separate Jews from other Germans to protect and strengthen Germany as well as lowering their ‘pure’ German blood. Therefore, they forbid them from marrying or having any sexual relationships of their kind to Jews. Aside from that, they are prejudiced towards Jewish in general. They think they need to be superior to them, especially in their own country.

4. If a New Zealand government passed a law that provided for different treatment of a named racial group in New Zealand, what do you think the reaction of most New Zealand people would be? Why do you think this might be the case? (Applying)
I think the reaction of most New Zealand people if the New Zealand government passed laws that provided a different cure of a named racial group in NZ, would be conflicted. It is because many believe in equality and justice in this country. I think it would be unfair in some cases. It would just make netizens more angry and partial.

5. Do you think these Nuremberg laws were racist? Explain your point of view. (Evaluating)
I certainly think that the Nuremberg laws are racist. Why I think that is because they all violate most human rights. It is prejudiced, biased and discriminatory rules. These laws are unfair and shouldn’t have existed, to begin with.


  1. Hi Anneleise,
    As always, you make such outstanding blogposts with tidy formats that are easy to read. I like how you added a picture instead of just the answwers and questions. Maybe next time, you could use other greetings at the start of your post instead of just 'hi there' as always at the start of your post. Other than that, you did an amazing job. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Anneleise!
    Wow, you gave really clear answers in this blog, it was easy to follow, so thank you! Isn't it upsetting that the Jewish people weren't allowed to sit doctoral exams and that other rights were taken away from them? Maybe next time you could add more photos to show everyone what life might have been like for the Jewish people. All in all, this is a great blog post and you should be really proud!

  3. Ki ora Anneleise
    You've done a spectacular blogpost. It's structured nicely where we can read it clearly, it is informative and your grammars are also good. I like that you added a photo to show your audience what it was like during the time where The Nuremberg Law was established. Goodwork!


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