
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Social Studies Slavery - Music Through Time

Hi there, 

Today I will be writing about what I have been doing in Social Studies. We started creating maps, studying the Slave Trade Triangle that happened in the late 16th and 19th century. What is the slave trade triangle? Back then, slavery was a big problem in America, they would take people from the Western Africa to treat them as their workers and use them without payment, or in exchange for goods.

What are Spirituals and what do they use them for? Spirituals are songs originating in the United States and created by African Americans. They were originally an tradition that imparted christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. They used the music in a way for them uplift slaves, give them hope, church/funerals and if allowed weddings, and to be able to communicate with each other to relay secret messages to help them escape. Like wade in the water.

Who is Harriet Tubman? Harriet Tubman was an American abolitionist and political activist. She is known for escaping and freeing enslaved people. She conducted Underground Railroads from South America to Northern States or to Canada, it was for the slaves to escape to territories where they could be free.

How are these events significant today? The slavery problem from back then connects to today by how we had the black lives matter protesting in America. 

Wade in the water was used to tell the slaves to get off the trail and into the water to make sure that the dogs employed by slavers lost their trail. 

Wade in the water  

Wade in the water
Children wade, in the water
God's gonna trouble the water
Who's that young girl dressed in red
Wade in the water
Must be the children that Moses led
God's gonna trouble the water
Wade in the water, wade in the water children
Wade in the water,
God's gonna trouble the water
Who's that young girl dressed in white
Wade in the water
Must be the children of the Israelite
Oh, God's gonna trouble the water

Wade in the water is another way of saying walk on the water to point out to get off the ship and into the water because as stated earlier, going through the water makes the dogs not be able to track them.         

The following link is the presentation that I created:


  1. Hi Anneleise,
    Wow your done awesome job in social studies. The information you put in I can understand it will. Keep your incrediible work up. This explains everything, you have put so much etfort in this. I really like how you explain who is Harriet Tubman. Your could nothing to fixs, you did amazing.

  2. Hi Anneleise, I enjoyed reading your post i can see you have really focused on your research and you have created a good post. what would you do better if you got the chance?


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