
Friday, April 9, 2021

Art: Michael Mew

 Hi there,

In this blog post I will be writing about what I have been working on in Art. We combined a photo montage with drawing and painting, this art was inspired by Micheal Mew. We had to cut pieces that really caught our eyes, out of an magazine that we liked. Once we had enough images, we got a plain sheet of paper to organise our images on and create variety of different montages, and find out which one would be our final product. Later we drew thumbnail sketches of our montage to think of ideas to add onto our art, to make it more creative and appealing. 

Photos of my artwork:



1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Anneliese. Thanks for including a before and after of the collage step It is interesting to see what differences focusing on a particular colour can make in how you read the imagery. adding pattern in instead of leaving the woman as a photographic image means you look at that hand and the word Try! more carefully.


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