
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Game Card about Volleyball - Blogging Choices

Today I am blogging about a Game Card I have created for my Wananga work. The game card is about me telling you guys about Volleyball and what the rules, equipment and things you need to know about the sport. I have chosen this off the blogging choices document and did this on a google drawing. I hope you like and learned something about Volleyball and might actually try play it some day with your family. This is my last blog post for this week and can't wait for more.

Here is my Game Card:

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Positive Thoughts and Self-Talk - Health

This week my teacher has set us more wananga work to do and I will be displaying that by posting about my health work. In health we were focusing on Staying Mentally Healthy and had to choose a topic from this Mental health slide for us to do. I chose Positive Thoughts and Self-Talk then researched about them, sharing my findings on a slide and a document. Overall it was fun to learn and work on and is looking forward for more work to come.
Here is my health work:

Positive Thoughts and Self-Talk

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Multiplication 12x12 Blank Table - Maths

Today I did some work on maths, I was practicing and memorizing my multiplication from 1 to 12 and did this on a blank table that was off the class site. I did this all by myself with no help and I am proud that I know all of my times tables. This is my last blog post for this weeks wananga work and I can't wait to do more for the following weeks.

Here is the multiplication table from blank to completed:



My Research About Pandas - Blogging Choices

Today I did a research about pandas and then made a DLO about it sharing my findings. I made a little slideshow with 10 different interesting facts about pandas and some pictures you might enjoy. I hope you will learn something about them that you don't already know, from this.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Acrostic name Poem - Wananga

This week my teacher has set us some Wananga work for us to do to keep us more active in learning. We have to complete 3 blog posts by the end of this week and we have our own choice of picking what work to share and learn about. There are some choices of work that are on our class site and I have chosen to make a acrostic name poem about myself. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Family Easter Day!

Last weekend on Sunday it was that time of the year where families gather together and celebrate Easter Day, filled with lots of goodies and chocolates. My family gathered together and had an idea to have a small Easter egg hunt, prepared a Barbecue for lunch and a homemade Apple pie made from my mum for dessert.
We also did our own small family communion, which is where we have bread and wine/grape juice that represents Jesus body and blood. That day was a memorable time and I enjoyed it as much as they did.

Why do we eat chocolate eggs at Easter? 

     Communion — Burning Point Ministries