P.E reflection questions
1. What did you find challenging?
I found the questions that we had to solve challenging because it was all about measurements and I also didn't understand what were we trying to work out.
2. A question we had to solve
What the measurements, length, widths, meters of the field is.
3. Some you would like to learn/know
I would like to learn more about measurements because I think they are important when I get up to a higher year level and I've never learned how to measure before.
4. Did you enjoy it? why/why not
I kind of enjoyed it because, I was working with others such as my friends and I wanted to try something for a change.
P.E questions:
1. Physical skills:
2. Interpersonal skills:
-Team work
What you want to learn more/about and why
I want to learn how to improve in my aiming and learn more about what Tapu Ae on how you can get better at playing it. Why? Because I might want to teach my family how to play when it is our family reunion day and try it out with them.
4. Less of and why?
I would like to learn less of Dodgeball because I've already played it to many times when I did P.E as my hurumanu in Term 1, but I enjoyed playing with different rules in this Dodgeball.
What I want to learn more of is Tapu Ae because I haven't heard of that game before and I want to get better at aiming at knocking the tennis balls off the cones. I also want to learn how to stick on my player at all times just like when I play netball.
What kind of games do you play in your P.E?